
my sexuality is fluid! my attraction can change frequently, but can also stay constant for a long time. currently i am attracted to men and man/masc-aligned people.


right now, i am nbylm and am attracted to men and men/masc-aligned people!! this is the entomology mom/nbylm flag—learn more about it here


i can and tend to be attracted to more than one person at a time. while i can be in monogamous relationships, i prefer to have multiple partners.


i have a hard time differentiating between platonic and romantic attraction. sometimes i can feel a difference but not always. i tend not to like to label types of attraction.


my gender is rather complex. it cannot be defined by binary terms—i am not a man, nor a woman, nor am i both or neither. i am separate from the gender binary.


even though i’m nby, i am transmasc. i relate to masculinity. i am not a man, but i sometimes feel similar to one in some ways. i overall feel masculine.
this is the citrus transmasc flag—learn more about it here


purplegender is currently my only xenogender. i relate strongly to the color purple and its symbolism. i specifically feel an attachment to lavender, both the flower and the shade.
this is the purplegender flag i made—learn more here


my gender is fluid, but it never encompasses the feeling of femininity. i never feel feminine or woman-like. i tend to float between masculine and neutral or void.


i use they/them and he/him pronouns, but i also use neos to help express my gender. my current neos are:

terms and endearments

i prefer masc and neutral terms—pretty much anything that isn’t strictly female-aligned. i do love petnames, so if you aren’t sure about whether or not i’ll be ok with one then pls just ask :)
the hearts are good terms and the x are bad terms.

  • bro

  • dude/guy/boy

  • sib

  • bub/bubba

  • bud/buddy

  • babe

  • beloved/love

  • king/royalty

  • boyfriend/husband

  • beautiful/pretty (sometimes not ok)

  • handsome

  • cute

  • hot

  • sexy

  • sis

  • girl

  • wife/girlfriend

  • ma’am

  • woman

  • lady

  • man

  • queen/princess/prince

  • joyfriend

  • boo

  • sweetie/sweetheart